This weekend we got to try a few things... for Sat. breakfast I made waffles and Sun. I made Craig some eggs and bacon. I went ahead and cooked up some onion with a little bit of hot sauce to add a kick.
Then are Try the World box came in the mail. I've been curious about all these different "boxes" being offered. This one seemed like the best option, considering Craig will try/eat anything he he. I'm sure he will appreciate me saying that LOL!
Try the World came in a cute little teal box, with outer packaging that opened like this *see below
This box was from Morocco/ Marrakesh... it has some really cool little cookies in it, some meat rub that I think he'll try on some steak and a few other things.
The orange peel cookies were (all gone now)delicious!
This is going to be exciting!! We have one from Paris coming soon too!
Thanks -Bunny